Buying medicines is a serious problem in india.Quite often you are asked to buy a medicine you would not buy if given an option.That means patient in not communicated the options available in the medicines.It happens as there are very few doctors in relation to the number of patients and hence doctors find it tough to treat all the patients as per the required medical standards .So the onus falls on the patients only to get best medicines that will suit their socio-economic profile.Like if ranitidine is prescribe he should buy either zintac or same salt of Dr.Reddys lab etc..In a country where getting a pure milk is almost impossible ,getting a good quality medicines could only be next to impossible.This calls for a little awareness of the medicines ,their salts,good companies you can bank on and the cost profile.You can be helped by your neighbourhood chemist if you are regular to him.The only caveat is, dont bank on chemist blindly as he is biased towards his gains.So have a kind of balance between your knowledge ,chemist and your family doctor .This will truely ensure you get the best in terms of quality as well as cost.


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