The Right Medicine

There is such a plethora of litrature and content on diseases and remedial medicines available online that instead of helping out people, it tends to intimidate them.
I through my maiden venture seek to address this very issue by providing a tresuretrove of information on common and not so common ailments and their remedial medication under one roof through this blog.
The information provided here will be free of medical jargon and pharmaceutical logjam with the aim to reach out to the last man who needs it.
Wish me LUCK!!!


  1. Dear Sunny
    Could you throw some light on psoriasis and its remedial messures.
    It'll be a great boon to quite a few men in our workshop.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. There is a lot of stuff online about the medicine for a given ailment. I guess it's good that we know the first aid, but as you've pointed out, what about the other complicated ailments? I hope that there's some kind of a database that shows the basic medicines and remedies for a given set of ailments that isn't that threatening as a site that mostly just doctors could understand.

    George Melcher


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