Today the role of a typical MR has reduced to servicing doctors in speciality products domain.In general products range,now, his job is just to associate with his pool of doctors for Event driven services.Multi-Media has virtually taken over his role of reminding customers (through scientific communication) and routinely servicing him.

There has been conjectures on the feasibility of online model and non-replaceable role Medical Representative .Fact is that the change has come in a jiffy and has hence caused commotion in the industry .The leaders themselves are dumbstruck at the precipitous paradigm shift that is changing the landscape irreversibly.But then this is what IT is known for.We have seen the first computer by IBM to the latest one and the transformation is unbelievably huge in few years only.

And its just not Pharma sector ,its also eating-up other sector's job atrociously.Recent development is the emergence of ChatGPT that has the potential to transmogrify the animal called Marketing.Some millions of job cuts are on the way going forward as this technology would get the most difficult jobs done in no time .Human are finally proving compromised in-front of AI and that is going to spill over in all the industries including Pharmaceutical.


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