Methylcobalamin is an active form of vitamin B12 that helps in synthesis of methionine and S-

adenosylmethionine. It is required for integrity of myelin, neuronal function, proper red blood cell formation 

and DNA synthesis. The largest group of vitamin B12 deficiency is found in typical vegetarians all over the

world, which can be alleviated with its analogue Methylcobalamin. It is a beneficial drug to most of the 

common disorders like cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, anemia, hyperhomocysteinemia and degenerative 

disorders. Methylcobalamin helps in the synthesis of neuronal lipids, regeneration of axonal nerves and has 

neuroprotective activity, which promote neurons to function in proper way and thus improves Alzheimer 

disease, Parkinsonism, Dementia and neuropathic syndromes. It is an approved treatment for peripheral 


Combinations / Interactions

Fixed dose combination of sustained release pregabalin and methylcobalamin reduces neuropathic pain. Treatment with lipoic acid – methylcobalamin for 2-4 weeks is associated with better outcome in nerve conduction velocity and neuropathic symptoms. Oral combinations of methylcobalamin, L-methylfolate and Pyridoxal-5 phosphate improves Epidermal Nerve Fiber Density (ENFD) with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN). Medicines such as Antibiotics (penicillin, cefalexin, ciprofloxacin), metformin, nitrous oxide, colchicines, NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Para aminosalicyclic acid, sulphasalazine) decrease the absorption and induce reversible mal-absorption of methylcobalamin by altering the function of ilea mucosa. Some drugs like nitrates (nitroglycerin), fluorouracil interacts with methylcobalamin and their side effects are increased . Chloramphenicol antagonizes the hematopoietic action of this drug. Administration of methylcobalamin during pregnancy and breast feeding is dangerous because it can cross maternal-fetal barriers and also gets excreted in milk. Barbiturates (phenobarbitol), primidone, pyrimethamine, valproic acid, hydantoins should not be taken along with methylcobalamin because their effectiveness is inhibited. Aminoglycosides, proton pump inhibitors, anti hyperglycemic medications (metformin), anticonvulsants interfere with methylcobalamin absorption and function. Consumption of ethanol along with methylcobalamin therapy counteracts its action .


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